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Nu răspundeți la acest email …

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Un email în circulație în Irlanda încearcă să înșele clienții Vodafone Irlanda.

Emailul duce la o pagină înregistrată în Mexic, iar experții în securitate informatică vă sfătuiesc să ștergeți imediat acest email și să marcați adresa ca fiind spam.

Redăm mai jos textul emailului primit:

“Dear Valued Customer, just a quick reminder that you need to pay for your Vodafone service. Pay now to avoid service restriction or suspension.

“Your monthly bill for NETVIGATOR service has been issued. We have proceeded autopay payment according to your credit card information.

“However, such autopay payment is not successful. Your account is now overdue, so unless you’ve already paid in the last few days here’s what you need to do next. To check the total amount owing, please visit MyAccount

“To avoid suspension of service, please settle the above amount before 04 Jan 2017.

Log In To MyAccount

“For details regarding the payment rejection, please contact your bank directly.

“It’s important that you make full payment of the outstanding amount to avoid restriction or suspension of your service. Please remember that if we suspend your service you’ll need to pay a reconnection fee. We’ll also apply all regular service charges until your service is cancelled.

“To help you manage your services, a number of online tools are available. You can pay your bills and track your usage through MyAccount and our 24×7 App “

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Chris Danca
Chris Danca
Absolvent al specializării Jurnalism la Școala de Jurnalism din cadrul Michigan State University. Blogger (irlandezu'zu) și manager al departamentului de grafică al unei tipografii din Dublin, Irlanda.

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