3 Decembrie 2013 @8pm – Pavilion Theatre
Durata spectacolului – 50 minute
Preţ bilet / Tickets – €20 (biletele se pot procura online AICI / Book Tickets Now: HERE)
“Vocea umană” de Jean Cocteau e drama unei femei părăsite de bărbatul pe care-l iubeşte spusă la capătul unui telefon într-o conversaţie cu cel a cărui voce nu se aude. În sală se aude doar vocea ei, vocea Oanei Pellea, şi povestea unei iubiri şi a unei despărţiri.
Don’t miss out an extraordinary encounter with an out of ordinary actress: Oana Pellea – clown, tempest, eccentric and elaborate (Sanda Manu).
Witness Oana Pellea’s pitch perfect psychological transformation (LiterNet) in this renewed encounter between two theatre legends of great compassion and sensibility to their art.
A lonely woman onstage and a phone that rings. On the end of the line, her former lover about to marry someone else. All hopes rest on the chance of a final conversation. The simple gesture of picking up opens the gateway to all the hopes and shared memories, all the regrets and fears encompassed in this acutely accurate exploration of heartbreak.
Sanda Manu directs actress Oana Pellea in Cocteau’s anguished monologue tracing the breakdown of a woman deserted in a phone call by her lover. Witness Pellea’s pitch perfect psychological transformation (LiterNet) in this renewed encounter between two Romanian theatre legends.
Oana Pellea clown, tempest, eccentric and elaborate (Sanda Manu) is an internationally acclaimed actor who enchants and impresses royalties, practitioners and audiences alike. Her extensive body of work in film and theatre includes iconic interpretations in Alfonso Cuaron’s Children of Men alongside Clive Owen and Lucius in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.
This show is performed in Romanian with English subtitles.